Rose Gold (Seattle) - High−End and verified escorts on Velvet22

Rose Gold

Sep 18 - Oct 18
My Rates
Out Call
1 Hour
90 Min
2 Hours
3 Hours
6 Hours
12 Hours
About Me

When my nerves are excited and my mind harassed by the worries of social and domestic life, no prescription that the doctor can suggest does me so much good as a visit from my friend Miss Gold. A soothing calm radiates from Miss Gold. You can feel it as soon as she enters a room, and it has an almost instant effect in allaying your mental irritation and soothing your worried nerves. Her personality is like down cushions, and her voice lulls you to security like a cradle song. There is a feeling of infinite leisure and infinite space about Miss Gold. As soon as you come within the light of her presence you feel that there is plenty of time and plenty of room. And if you come to think of it, it is the lack (imaginary or real) of time and room that is responsible for most of what we call the small worries of life.

Overnight stays